
Showing posts from May, 2022

Don't Say

 Don't say you understand me. Don't say you understand me until you know why I was convinced I was in love with the right person at the wrong time. Don't say you understand me until you know the extent of the mental hell I went through when I was blamed by another for their declining mental health. Don't say you understand me until you know the weight of a broken heart, expected to hide under excitement for another's life path. Don't say you understand me until you know what it feels like to expense others who do not have much to give.  Don't say you understand me until you know the pain of another, crushing you every time they tell you about a nightmare in which their assaulter comes to find them. You do not know me and you will not understand the woman I have built until you understand the woman who was broken in the first place.  Don't. -Emma Lancaster


 Isn't it ironic that the person I'm going to miss the most is the one that I want space from at this moment? I'm going to regret this space someday. Don't console me when I do. -Emma Lancaster


 There have been so many moments that I have wanted to freeze lately. If we could go back to moments we have already lived, I would have liked to return to the past week. The relief of the finality of a semester The arms of the person I love The bittersweet smiles The first lightning bugs of the summer The sun kissing my skin, leaving a blush The pride we put into others The selflessness that comes with other's needs I want to relive these moments a thousand times over. I've been asked fairly often if I will miss home whenever the time comes to leave it, and every time, I answer no. I will not miss the physical place where I grew up. I will miss my Home. I will miss my Home. My Home, the people that shape me. My Home, a person. -Emma Lancaster


 Everyone needs one real heartbreak in their life before they find what they truly want. Whether your heart is broken by family at age 7     or broken by friends at age 14          or broken by your love and life at age 16,               the break          takes you     where you truly desire. If you know this hurt, I cry with you. If you do not yet know this hurt, I cry for you and hope you know you are not alone.  It's gonna be okay. The heartbreak will never truly break but will build.  -Emma Lancaster


 Kids are a genuinely good part of society. I know not everyone likes them as much as I do, but maybe I can offer you some perspective. They're very truthful beings. A child will tell things to you as they are, whether you like it or not. They don't hide their emotions from you, and they always want to tell you as much as they can about everything. If you were wondering what color the sky was today, there is surely a human smaller than you that is so eager to tell you that the sky is blue and blue is their favorite color and their blue marker is dying because they drew so many blue elephants and the blue elephants are the same color as the sky because the sky is blue!! I recommend you spend some time around children and enjoy their essence if you get a chance sometime soon.  You may find an internal connection to the innocent child you once were.  Don't hesitate. -Emma Lancaster