Free and Easy
Day One:
I'm feeling okay today, with just a slight headache.
A headache can be fixed with caffeine.
I decided to listen to country this morning.
I grew up listening to country music, so it always reminds me of my mom and driving around during the summers with a Diet Coke. It reminds me of a time that was simpler, and easy. It reminds me of carefree summers, of being a child, and the people that were most important to me as a child.
Springsteen is one of my favorite country songs. My childhood best friend and I used to blast it in her big sister's car on the way to the pool on hot days.
I like the song Stuck Like Glue, but my dad doesn't. He also hates Taylor Swift, which is funny. She's an international superstar, and he can't stand the sound of her voice.
Kenny Chesney's songs make me think about my parents. Their first date was to a Kenny Chesney concert, and they went to another concert of his while my mom was pregnant with me. My dad has always said that the song There Goes My Life has always felt like it was written about him. That song makes me cry.
Free and Easy by Dierks Bently is one of those songs that brings back an early memory that I forgot I even had. I used to think that words were "Fred Easy down the road I go," like the character in the song was named Fred.
My mom loves the song Play It Again because it reminds her of being in high school and waiting all night for her favorite song to come on the radio so that she could record it onto a tape while it played.
I still know every single word of the song Bartender. I listened to it all the time about ten years ago, and even though I haven't heard the song in a long time, I can still sing it without looking at the words.
I Want Crazy gives me hope. I can't wait to be crazy in love, obsessed and falling hard, always wanting one more kiss. Not to mention, it's just a catchy song. It's good for driving around with the windows down.
I grew up on country music. My roots are in guitars and drums and twang all tied together.
I feel a little bit more like myself today.
-Emma Lancaster
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